
54% of Americans are inconsistent in taking prescriptions, reveals survey

December 15, 2015

Among additional findings of the survey, when it comes to reading the instructions that come with their medicines, 73 percent said they read both the label and the information on the medicine insert. Women are more apt to read both the label and the printed information on the insert (82 percent) compared with men (63 percent). Only 2 percent say they don??�t read any of the materials.

In addition, when they??�ve experienced a prescription medicine side effect, women are far more apt to talk to their doctor or pharmacist (72 percent) versus men (57 percent), further illustrating gender differences when it comes to problem solving through information seeking.

The Road to Better Adherence

???As our aging population grows, more people are taking multiple medications, and we have to employ a variety of pro-active and responsive strategies to help people improve their adherence,??? said Joseph Addiego, M.D., senior vice president and chief medical officer for Prescription Solutions. ???Prescription Solutions is doing its part to serve the needs of our customers and the entire health care system by offering an array of clinical programs that support people in adhering to their prescriptions so they can improve their health ??� ultimately leading to lower costs for everyone.???

Prescription Solutions and NCPIE both offer tips for consumers when it comes to taking prescription medications, including:

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about instructions for use and possible side effects whenever a new medication is prescribed. Share information with your health practitioners about all the other medications, vitamins and herbal supplements you are taking to avoid negative drug/drug interactions and reduce the potential for side effects. Keep a current list of all medications you are taking, both prescription and over-the-counter and share this with your doctor at each visit. Read carefully the information that comes with your medication and save it for future reference. Call your doctor, pharmacist or pharmacy benefits manager if you are experiencing side effects from your medication. Consider cost-saving and convenient options like mail order and use generic alternatives where appropriate.

Prescription Solutions, a NCPIE member organization, was recently appointed to a seat on NCPIE??�s board of directors.

Source: Prescription Solutions