
Any new pressure in upper body can signal heart attack

February 15, 2016

4.High Blood Pressure??�Hypertension (chronic high blood pressure), is a condition with few or no self-evident symptoms. It may be controllable through diet and exercise and, as with cholesterol levels, with medication.

5.Diabetes??� If you have diabetes, you have a much higher risk of heart attacks which may occur with atypical symptoms. It is extremely important to work with your doctor to manage your diabetes.

6.Physical inactivity -- Regular, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can help control blood cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity, as well as help lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack.To find our about your own risk and for additional resources, take the Cardiac Risk Assessment on the medical society's Family Health & Wellness website, www.myfamilywellness. Click on "How's Your Health" and select "Health Assessments."


Beyond recognizing and responding to heart attack symptoms, Dr. Schott says that he and his member colleagues encourage patients to take steps now to prevent heart attacks or repeat heart attacks.

"The same advice applies, whether you've had a heart attack or would like to keep your heart healthy:

-Don't smoke. -Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol. -Eat healthy and exercise daily.

Betsy fortunately got the message about a healthier lifestyle and we've worked together to help her make those important changes. But she did the hard work."James Goodyear, MD, president of the Pennsylvania Medical Society sums up, "Our job as physicians is not just to treat sick patients. We're here to work with our patients to provide the information and support they need to prevent illness and improve their health in the long run."

SOURCE Pennsylvania Medical Society